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[This post may contain possible major spoilers linked to the character Bridget and events surrounding her character. This is your chance to turn back now or possibly spoil yourself further, you decide!]

We have some final previews to share with everyone today based on the early events of Bridget's route episode 6 coming in the near future! This cg scene has a total of 18 variants in total with animation variants that'll take place during the moment in-game.

Let's dive into it! :P

I know we haven't had the moment to fully figure out what Bridget as a character is like, as a good chuck of that will be seen in episode 5. But we have a mystery new character that some of you might already know who they are based on builds of the game from before our Ren'py engine swap. :P

What we can take apart from this cg scene is that we have Bridget and a unnamed girl playing a game together, perhaps within the gaming club? Clearly Brandon is there and playing with them or watching.. But is he watching the game? Or is he too busy with the other view he has in front of him? XD

As we move along.. The two take their eyes off of the game! Probably not a very gamer move on their part! But why? What could they be up to? Are they plotting something?

Ah yes.. It's very clear they're up to no good! >.< I can only imagine how awkward er.. Maybe frustrating the situation must be for Brandon!  

Well that confirms it! There's some teasing going on here, no doubt about it! But that's only the first 5 variants out of 18.. So what else awaits Brandon as we explore Bridget's route? Guess we'll have to wait and see.. :P

~Artist Credits: MarxeDP & AjoseMp



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