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Welcome to our first Dev Update! :P

So to briefly explain, moving forward instead of doing 3 news posts each month like we've done for a long time. We've decided to change it up to something a little better suited for development moving forward.

We'll still have one big news related post at the start of a given month which will be called "July Development Report!" starting next month. This will feature in-depth, huge walls of text on our plans for the given month for development and where things currently sit at that given time. Then we'll break things up into these "Dev Updates" every week for the rest of the month, which act as brief and smaller posts that focus on some quick updates for how things have progressed along so far.

We hope that by doing this, it'll feel better suited as our development needs begin to shift here soon to keep everyone informed. (Also "July Development Report!" Will offer a public version of the post as well, but it'll cut out a lot of extra details and give a lighter idea of things.)

With that out of the way, this first "Dev Update" is starting off a tiny bit longer than what we'll expect for other ones, but it needed to be explained and sort of expected. Let's move into it!

~Where is v0.20 part 1?~

As many of you might already know, around 2 weeks ago we had some issues taking place with our programmer and to put it simply.. We have plans for leading into July to fix this, finding someone that is a better fit for the long term as what we have going on right now programming wise has had it's chance and more in the past months.

We'll begin our search for a new programmer in late June to make the transition period not too bumpy, as we'd like to ideally finish episode 5 with the current programmer and call it that. Then the newly brought on programmer would be brought up to speed before we hit July, with the goal of having them handle the first route content that we want to get into engine and out in July as the writing scripts for the first couple route episodes are looking ready.

On top of the issues of the programmer, 2 weeks ago I came down with what was thought to be bronchitis, which turned out to be covid after being tested. Luckily it seemed to be a mild case and what remains is a cough that is clearing up in the past 3-4 days now.

Of course for most of that time though.. I spent most of my time bed ridden from the fatigue, so it was sleeping or napping through the days, mixed with having the tv on when I was awake for 2-3 hours or light tasks on my phone, etc. I told myself while sick that I'd focus on getting better and once I'm renewed with energy again, I'd fully make the most of it on the project development.

So back to square one... "Where is v0.20 part 1?" The last build I received was while I was sick, so after checking it out here recently. I can say it is looking pretty solid and should expect the actual finished build to be used for upload within the following days. (The main thing not in there is one scene that is half there visually/function wise and light fixing of the choices added in.)

To end things for now. v0.20 part 1 is about ready and at this point, even if I receive it during the weekdays and have to juggle getting it uploaded after a work day. I'll do that if it must be done at this point, just to get it sorted and over with! Ideally after that, v0.20 part 2 would follow in it's footsteps and be ready by the end of the month.

Our plan to make up for the awkward first half of 2022 isn't a light decision that was made.. But moving forward, we're going to aim for a new release every 30 days or less! We did it before in 2020 development and I know it'll be a bit rough, but for 5-6 months to finish up this year.. I think we owe it to everyone! Then after our holiday break in December, we'd start January 2023 off with our normal schedule of releasing content every 45 days so we don't get burnt out.



Glad you're feeling better. Of course, now I'm the one who's sick, dang it!! Lol, less than a week after wishing you good health, I myself caught either a cold or a sinus infection (or possibly a minor bout of Covid), and have basically been stuck inside for the past 5 and a half days. Thankfully I'm in the process of recovery at this point, so I'm doing much better.


^^" It's been super weird! Everyone seems to be coming down with something in the past month, our cg artist came down with covid as well just as I was starting to feel better. Must be really awkward timing overall for anyone right now. Hopefully you continue to improve and get back to normal asap! ^^


Dumb questions, are there any long term plans on releasing the game on Nintendo switch or Steam?


No such thing as dumb questions here! ^^" There will be future plans with the completed game to look into at the very least having Steam host the game as their terms of service does seem like it's more open to these sorts of games as of late. Nintendo Switch would be a dream goal! I won't say it's impossible, but I'd have to look into how Nintendo handles things or publishing in that sense.