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As promised, I'd like to keep everyone informed with our situation for v0.20's release. In case this is your first time seeing anything related to this, you can check our previous post out below to catch up briefly with the situation.

I have some good news luckily to share! I have heard back from our programmer the other day ago and it sounds like we should have at least part 1 of v0.20 released by May 31st roughly. (I say roughly just in case it isn't exactly on point, but maybe its out and ready by June 1st or 2nd, given releases during the weekday are sometimes a bit hectic vs doing it on the weekend for my schedule.)

This is good news though for the time being, so I hope to move forward with this information and proceed with the play test build for this part 1 content to be polished up now and ready.

Q: What is v0.20 part 1? What will it consist of exactly?

Given the current situation being a bit awkward, I've decided it'd be best to split v0.20 into two part releases. Mainly this is to provide some content without having to wait any longer for the rest of the content to be ready, but also given how big episode 5 is in length. I feel it might work out decently okay by doing this.

v0.20 part 1 should consist of the first 3-4 scenes out of 9 scenes within the episode. (By scenes, I'm referring to the writing broken up into a scene, not cg scene. ^^" )

While it sounds like less content compared to what would be planned for part 2, without major spoilers.. The early scenes introduce some new characters we've yet to fully see and so there's a lot going on early on to jump start the episode. Not to mention choices that should feel meaningful along the way.

Q: When will v0.20 part 2 be ready then?

With how things are currently, I'd say we should expect part 2 to be ready by around June 10-14th give or take. So roughly half of episode 5 will be out for around 2 weeks, followed by the rest of the episode being out.

I won't get too far ahead of myself yet, but the plan after that will be to get v0.21 route content moving along asap and get it out quickly. My personal goal would be to push v0.21 and v0.22 out before the end of summer within a reasonable release timeline that works development wise, but trying to get things moving along with haste.

With this said, once again thank you everyone for being super, super patient with us! We'll probably have much more news to share as we head into June in terms of what our plans are with moving forward in development based on how things are turning out recently and how this all unfolds, but I'm crossing my fingers for the time being we can at the very least get these v0.20 parts out overall and see where things take us from there.



I'm going to be honest, it feels like we're just being scammed at this point


I'm sorry that it feels that way to you, I really do and besides providing a physical release. There probably isn't anything else that we could do that'll minimize that feeling in the mean time. (We do share that we're still working on new assets for the game behind the scenes, but I know that isn't exactly the point here.) Honestly our situation heading into 2022 could've been handled better, there's no doubt about that. The best that I can explain things without getting too personal and causing even more issues, is that sometimes there are cases in development when working with other people that don't go as expected. This happens regardless of how prepared or knowledgeable you think things will unfold along the way or pan out, so you have to tackle things as they unfold and figure out which decisions will be the right ones long term. The main highlight of these updates are to try and be honest about what is taking place, regardless what the status of the situation might be. To recap, the main concern was that I hadn't heard back from our programmer in a good while and I don't personally know them in person in any shape or form. In that given situation, there's plenty of choices and routes to go with in the moment, but each will carry it's own weight to the situation. The thing that seems to be overlooked in development at times is that this isn't a one person operation, but more so you'd naturally run into issues that are limiting if you have say a programmer issue vs a artist issue. (Artist issues, at least we can move along and say "Okay, we'll just have to add X or Y art in later." But if the problem is at programming it's a hard stop.) There's already a ton of thoughts as to how to handle things in the next coming weeks and it isn't choices to make lightly, so with what I've shared about the situation. I hope many will understand and as things unfold, it'll probably make more sense, but for the time being I'm keeping a professional, level-headed approach so we can hopefully deliver some sort of content regardless of these issues taking place. (Added note about feeling/being scammed, it really isn't our intention given all the work we've done in the past on this project already and we're nearly 3 years into development with no wish to end things or pull one over on our supporters/fans. We share any good or bad news with everyone because we want to be open and honest, so that each person can make their own decision before being charged for a new month if there's a drought in released content or even if you simply need a break to come check back later in future months.) That said, nothing mentioned here is meant to be personal towards you and I hope it isn't taken in a bad way. I just hope that it helps shed a little more light on our situation we had going on and that there is still planning behind the scenes for how to proceed even beyond this situation to move forward in development long term.