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With last month's new music track being Miki's Theme and one that's a bit upbeat, energetic and perhaps overwhelming in a sense? :P I have a new theme that goes in a different direction to change things up a bit.

We'll probably not hear this in-game until v0.21, as I do have plans for it to play at some point in episode 2, but we'll get back to earlier episode adjustments for quality of life fixes as we ensure we're going strong on new content firstly.

Anyways! If you can't piece things together, this is Nova's Theme! It's called "Ricordi di Vita" Which should translate to "Memories of Life" (I hope.. ^^" ). My main line of thought with this, much like Miki's Theme being Swedish for it's title, is that Nova's family is from Italy and a bit of that will pop up in-game. But I knew with Miki and Nova's Themes I wanted to have their tracks named in Swedish for Miki, Italian for Nova.

Now with Nova's Theme, I wanted to go in a different direction as mentioned compared to Miki. Where Miki's Theme is meant to capture her personality en-captured in music form. Nova's Theme has a bit more going on with it than just that, but there's supposed to be hints of feeling at ease and relaxed or calm around her as their friendship blossoms into more. I could've probably told composerjf to go in many other directions honestly.. ^^"

It was a tough call, at one point I was thinking of having Nova's Theme focus a bit heavier on guitars and feeling a bit progressive rock, maybe to hype up her kickboxing skills, but I quickly felt that it wouldn't fit for her overall.

I could go in circles about this track, but I think once you're able to hear it pop up at least in episode 2 at a key point and also in her route episode 6. It'll feel pretty fitting in nature for Nova.

Next up on the music track demands... Main Theme! I've been wanting to redo this for a while now and the rough idea is that it'd be the theme heard on the title screen, along with being the main theme of course that's played during key story moments.

Please go check out composerjf's youtube channel below to see all their previous and upcoming work! Including future MA tracks the moment they're finished! ^^

Credits: ComposerJF


Ricordi di Vita - Nova's Theme | Messy Academy

Nova's theme. Memories of Life. You can check out the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E_YAu3SbEI ✵▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✵ Music: Available ✵▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✵ Social Networks : Twitter: https://twitter.com/ComposerJF


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