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[This post may contain possible major spoilers linked to the character Heather for the game to be seen in content not yet released! This is your chance to turn back now or possibly spoil yourself further, you decide!]

I have some early concept art to share today that'll be featured in v0.21 content for Heather's route episode 6! What you're about to view isn't based on a past moment from before the Ren'py engine swap of development, making it brand new!

The cg art is probably going to come as a pretty big shock and while you'll be able to piece together some information and details from these previews. It might still leave a lot unanswered for how it has reached this point considering Heather isn't exactly the easiest to be around in general, let alone expecting more..

(Finished previews for the cg scene will be shared in the coming days! There's 33 total variants with this cg scene! Much of them are animated!)

[Final warning! Incoming art previews below!!]

~Artist Credits: MarxeDP & AjoseMp

When starting this cg scene, there was quite a bit of trial and error when it came to the perspective view and angle I wanted. Not to mention trying to work with objects in the way and how those objects would work overall. Our first look is a scrapped early view that didn't quite feel right, but we can already get a sense of what's going on maybe from here...

Knowing the perspective wasn't quite working, we moved onto trying to get a better view of things overall. Still not quite there yet... As we scrapped this perspective, but we got the details of her desk and chair roughly looking right.

Now we're talking! :P Here we can see the final perspective we decided on! I wanted to get in there close enough while looking dynamic, which I hope many will feel we managed to get right with this angle. We can also begin to see the more finer lines being tossed down and getting the details moving along.

With the perspective in place, we begin to focus on Heather's details coming into play for the cg scene! We already saw in very early previews above that she was holding a book in her hand while the other one seemed to be doing something else.. <.< But here we can begin to really see some good progress!

Even greater details! Maybe.. Just a little too much perhaps if we look closely around her hand area. <.< Heather is looking good and nearly getting closer to being done on line art phase by this point!

Here's a little bonus! First signs of animation taking place! :P Er well.. Actually this one was scrapped between the two choices offered. Mainly this one is focused on showcasing more arm movement and less details on what she's doing exactly, so we went with the other gif image you'll see after this one below.

This one below doesn't focus on as much arm movement in the final product, but it has better finger and hand movement I believe. So this is the one we settled on when moving forward for this point. :P

Moving on and away from the animation for a bit... We now get into some extra variants, as we can see Heather has a diaper on here compared to the other previews above. The question still remains why or what context is exactly taking place to cause this outcome from Heather, but if we continue digging further.. Just maybe we'll learn more? <.< But maybe not.. >.>

Let there be color! We can see some good progress from the finished line art to the basic colors phase. The variant we're looking at in the above and below images is actually the first image or rather what I call the "default" cg scene, where this is what is seen by default for cg scene moments in-game. In many cases the other variants are what follows also by default of story events or even sometimes variants are unlocked by select choices!

Along with color... Let's add some shading and lighting! More details! Look, even the book gained a cover!! (Must be a pretty good book she's reading, that or she's just good at multitasking to knock two tasks out of the way at once! :P )

Here is the final preview for concept previews, showing off another variant as it is pretty obvious from those earlier previews above, that Heather didn't have a diaper on at some point.. But now we can piece things together a bit more so! (Still some questions remain, but we can at least walk away with newfound knowledge as to some general stuff going on here.)

Bonus! Might be a bit difficult to tell the difference, but I felt that her privates kind of blended into her leg a little too much by this point. So I tossed some ideas at the cg artists to help make it look a bit better and hopefully the result below does just that. ^^ Hope you've enjoyed this concept preview look at Heather's first cg scene expected to kick off her route! (We'll just have to wait a bit to find out how things progress or lead to this moment.) 




Love me some Heather