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During February, our CG artist had some downtime while waiting on his friend that handles the drawing phases. So I had them improve some visuals for the cg art that exists, along with what we can expect from these visuals moving forward! ^^

They're not very huge differences, but mainly the biggest differences are the fart effects and more so the diaper reflective/shine, highlights to help give a subtle touch to the visuals. We're not looking for exact realism, as the fantasy is oftentimes a bit more fun than reality. :P But we do want MA to feel like it leans more realistic with how certain things are handled and let the fantasy leak into that. (Pun intended.)

The first image displays the diaper reflective/shine sort of effects! Very subtle with this example, but there's more of this to be seen with the other art provided!

The second image displays the difference between what the fart effect visuals looked like at one point, compared to what they should look like in-game for v0.19 currently? (But it might be my version of v0.19 I have, after some light changes were made.) Then lastly, how the image fart visuals will look and we can see the early stages of what the messy visuals looks like here.

The third image displays more reflective/shine effects, along with seeing what changes have been made to wet visuals, but we have another comparison to show off another example of wet visuals as we move along.

The fourth image is our other example for how wet visuals have changed, making sure the discoloring isn't too dull, but not too bright. More importantly, we don't want them being too similar to the messy visual discoloring to confuse the two. (A good example of this is during New Years Eve, looking at the Lola wallpaper, it's way too similar with the wet visuals vs the messy visuals.)

The fifth and final image is showcasing full on messy visuals in all of it's glory! We can see how the reflective/shine adds to it subtly enough, but the discoloring is a bit faded as we felt that with it being too bright on messy visuals. That it leans a bit too far into the fantasy over realistic look we're shooting for with MA. But of course, nothing too massively different to be a major change.

That about sums up our preview look at the diaper visual changes! I'd like to stress that these changes and time spent on this, wasn't a high priority and funding towards it was last on our list of things for February. It just so happened to work out, where our cg artist was waiting on their friend to move along with the drawing phase on our next cg scene and so they focused on these changes, getting them done until their friend was ready again. ^^

We hope this little preview, of which covers all existing cg art for the game has you all hyped up to see it added in our upcoming development this year as our situation unfolds.

~Artist Credits: MarxeDP & AjoseMp




Ooh shiny! literally.