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Welp! August went by pretty quickly! I meant to get this post out yesterday, but I got caught up with other stuff to get done. ^^"

Let's jump right into some general updates on what's happening, starting with a little status update on my personal self. If you've seen the previous news posts this month, you'll probably notice I've hurt my back early this month.

I won't go into full detail and repeat myself, but they believed it was a pinched nerve in my shoulder. Had a cortisone shot for it and about 4-5 visits to my chiropractor since then to help move and adjust things around. I believe in my last post I was feeling around 90-92% back to normal, but now I'm feeling more like around 95% better.

The only issue I really have currently that's more of annoyance than hurting, is my left arm muscles aren't back to normal right this moment and slowly working on exercises to help strengthen my arm. I mostly notice it with my left hand with my fingers having about 70% control over them with them shaking.

I'm hopeful though that with how things have progressed, that maybe sometime in September with continued chiropractor visits and exercising with that arm. I should be past this. :P

Beyond myself, I last spoke of MarxeDP having some sickness issues for half of this month and so that really slowed things down on the cg scenes. The good news is they're doing better from what I've heard, so I'm very glad to hear that. They're currently working on our 6th cg scene for ep 5 and still very early in progress, then sometime in September they'll wrap up things with the 7th cg scene and final one planned for ep 5.

We're not fully sure how we'll handle v0.20 release, because if the final cg scene is nearly ready with a good guess of a week left around our rough guess on when the next update will be completely ready, we might hold out for it. But if it's 2-3+ weeks, we'll probably release and make a note of it and do a following release of it with the remaining art as well.

Lisadikaprio recently released a little game of theirs and if you missed out on seeing it in the general discussion on discord. Then here's a link to it below.

It's a pretty adorable little story, if you're looking for something short and sweet to try out in the mean time. Of course Lisa's wonderful sprite artstyle can be seen, along with her bg's and illustration art done by herself! It's a slice of life mixed with a bit of comedy and tiny bits of drama.

Please check it out and share your thoughts if you'd like! ^^ (Heads up it isn't diaper or 18+)

Uncle Artie and I on some off days have started to look over ep 1 for quality of life adjustment/changes. I think there's some work cut out for us ahead on that stuff, but we're making sure our number 1 priority is episode 5.

-> Episode 5 info!

The writing on episode 5 seems to be on schedule, my biggest issue I'm having with it is that I'm adding more to the events, even ones that originally were planned as light events that wouldn't be too big. But it's funny how that works... ^^"

I'd say currently I'm around the 70% mark on the script being done give or take. Besides the above "issue" if you can whine about more content. :P My other issue with this episode is that there's a pretty important story moment that takes place and all I can really say without spoilers, is that it jump starts and pushes the academy story plot forward.

So I'm trying to make sure when I reach that point in the writing here, that it's tackled the way I want it to, so it'll line up with future events and play off of everything well.

-> Why's there less posts this month?

There might be less posts from us this month than normal, but it's a mix of things. We're still working hard behind the scenes and trying to keep everyone informed on that end, but really the timing of things is just a little awkward for sharing stuff.

Art wise it's been pretty slow and I hope September will improve and that we'll see some sprite previews and the remaining 2 cg scene previews.

We might get our first look at the finished gui in progress next month.

-> 2nd year celebration post news?

On Sept 6th we'll release our celebration post, which will be a mega huge behind the scenes talk about the development along the way since we first started on MA. It'll also include Q&A from our team and Q&A sections from fans of the game!

If I haven't answered your question in discord, twitter or another site and you're wondering why I haven't. It's just to collect the questions for now and on Sept 6th, we'll post the answers in the post. (Then I'll also answer the questions outside of the post as well.)

If you have questions, you have until at the latest Sept 5th to submit them, so be sure to do that if you want!

-> Remaining thoughts?

I think I'll leave this news post at that. :P

Right now it's just a waiting game until we reach the very tail end of v0.20 being ready by late Sept. Then things will blow up in excitement once again. ^^

It'll be a interesting month ahead of us, but as we get closer. We'll keep everyone informed and of course the remaining previews and other stuff along the way too!

From all of us at Messy Studios!
We thank you for your support and being with us in August!


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