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Real quick, I'd like to remind everyone that we're still releasing update 0.17 (episode 3) sometime around Dec 5th-8th.

Then after that, the Messy Studios team will be taking a break for the rest of December. Which means update 0.18 (episode 4) won't be planned for release until around Feb 3rd. (No update in January)

With this said, in both December and January. We'll send out new posts about general news updates, art related updates and more. December should see some fun related stuff, one of these things as a little gift back to everyone. We'll have a xmas themed wallpaper, we'll have to figure out just which concept for it would be best suited though. :P (poll time)

Anyways, this is just a quick reminder so everyone knows before December charges for patreon and in case anyone wasn't sure if we'd have a new game update for the month or how that stuff is proceeding into 2021.

Huge thank you to everyone for your support during November! <3 We hope you'll stick around or return sometime in December! ^^


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