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Just a quick public mention to all supporters or possible new supporters coming soon.

We've made some adjustments to our existing supporter tiers! ^^ We hope that the benefits for each of them feel balanced, fair and fitting. We are up for adding more benefits to our existing tiers if it's a good benefit.

Below is a list of what has been added or adjusted slightly. We also now have a 5th support tier that is expensive, but for good reason as you'll see below. (Important: Some benefits offered have unique posts to see them, head to the guide post >>here<< to find these towards the top.
$1 supporters

Nothing has changed.

$5 supporters

Instead of seeing early concept progress of art, you'll instead see only the finished versions as intended for the game.

(We hope this isn't a deal breaker to some, as the main draw in for this tier is the exclusive game update for the month. You'll still see the finished cg, bg, sprite art throughout the month, just not early sketch versions leading up to the finished product. There is a exception with sprite redesign early looks which is only happening once more)

$10 supporters

You'll now see early concept work in progress versions of cg, bg, sprite art through the month. Seeing the behind the scenes of how the art begins from it's early concept sketches to coloring phases, to finished.

You'll also now have access to a mini guide post that lightly helps you know what choices in the game moving forward will result in certain outcomes. See it as a mini walkthrough based around the choices.

In case you missed it, during October. $10 supporters gained a benefit to a HD cg gallery post (1920x1080 instead of the game's default 1280x720 versions).

(The god mode benefit will return in the near future once we have more variables and unlocking of scenes, outcomes, etc. To offer. This supporting tier can be seen as a lover of artwork style tier as of right now. We hope this feels fair with what benefits you'll receive.)

$25 supporters

During October we had no choice, but to remove any new oc background character requests. This is because we simply don't want to accept anymore right now as we have 4 currently to tackle, plus the ks rewards soon as well. (This reward will come back in the future, we'll keep those interested updated ahead of time before we open it up again.)

The main benefit for this tier right now is for those dedicated fans who can't wait to see what's coming up in the next game update, as they'll have access to a post that links them to the wip scripts and finished scripts of the game episodes being worked on or already finished.

(We might possibly offer a tiny extra benefit to this in the form of a few days ahead of release beta version of the upcoming game update. These versions would be expected to have visual bugs, issues and subject to change before official release. We hope the benefits mentioned feel fitting and worth it.)

$150 supporters (new)

Is there a favorite moment in the game that you always wanted to be turned into a cg scene? Is there one that we might've not been able to cover from previous episodes we're releasing? Maybe you have an idea of your own that's fitting within the game's story and events to squeeze in?

Well now you can request your own cg scene to be added! Hence the pricey cost for this reward, which is subject to be adjusted lightly due to the range of costs for cg art based on how complex a scene is. Now this only covers a light cg scene, that covers showing one character on scene, more than that will boost the cost.

You get two choices with this.

(A) - You can choose a existing moment in the game that we have no plans on or weren't going to add a cg scene for it. Allowing for your own favorite moment to come to life more, some examples... From episode 1, nurse changing your diaper scene? tickle fight? etc.

(B) - You can choose to request your own uniquely made cg scene scenario, but with this. We'll have to discuss it over with you and upon learning the details of the scene, figure out if it'll fit within the game or can be squeezed in without conflicting with the story. (Possible these scenes can also be optional choice to see them from players, keep in mind.)


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