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As we begin our writing process for Episode 2, we'd like to collect some thoughts on some aspects that everyone would like to see expanded or added.

Keeping in mind the events of "Day 2" in the current day is more or less the major stuff to expect with what will show up in Episode 2. There is some new things happening as well, we'll mention some aspects about stuff that we can think of from "Day 2" that  we'll ask about.

Vote on as many options as you'd like to help give us an idea of what stuff to expand on or keep in mind while writing. ^^

Do you feel like you have a good/decent idea of [insert] as a character after ep 1?

(This question is mainly asking if you were a new player disregarding anything outside of episode 1 for details. Do you feel that [insert character] is displayed and well known enough to a degree, where if they didn't have anymore screen time from now until you pick a girl's route by Episode 5. Would you have a good idea of them to fairly judge vs the other girls by that point to choose them vs someone else?)



I feel MCs attitude on diapers would be easier to express if the choices let us reflect what wed be doing. avoiding what we actually dislike and let things play out more naturally. since these repressed girls would likely share there fantasys with them like the pres does.


That is something we want to try doing as well, is to offer players more of a direct choice on their views/thoughts for moments. (Even if we have to go back and add them into the game later) The only issue with this method given MA is pretty story heavy is finding a sweet spot for how these choices would reflect and affect things. We'd have to ask ourselves "If the player's view on X is dislike or like. Will them disliking it have a great affect where we now have to keep track of that in mind for 8+ episodes of content for them? If they like X, will it have a different effect? What if they choose to some of both?" Of course variables are the answer, but considering the game is looking at 100,000 word count in just episode 1-5 alone. (common route) It makes for a lot of variables to keep in mind for everything from writing to engine work. Not to say we don't want to, but we have to strike a balance from this or that being choices and simply letting the story events play out uninterrupted. With that said, of course the common route should be viewed as the overview of the game's story. So there won't be many events that push things onto the player until they choose their preferred route after episode 5. (It's possible I totally missed the target on what you were trying to say too <.< )