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As promised! We have our first look at one of the new cg scenes shared with you all to kick off our good push for more cg art to be added into the game with each update. ^^

So just briefly, we're working on older content converting things into Episodes. With that said, we're already lacking with 3 cg scenes to be seen in Episode 1 that aren't there in update 0.15.

What we hope to have done and shared for previews this month, is that we'll have all of those episode 1 scenes added in update 0.16. With possibly 1-2 Episode 2 scenes in that update, with maybe 1 scene for Episode 2 that will be missing sadly by release.

But! If we can do this, we'll have our cg art caught up with our updates right now so that with update 0.17. We'll release Episode 3 with all it's cg scenes included and do the same for all future episodes moving forward. ^^ (No longer will you go through updates and see that cursed placeholder Miki screen! :P )

Anyways, with that out of the way! This first scene we have on preview takes place in Episode 1. When Brandon is walking Miki back to her dorm, because she's scared of a uh... Pink werewolf girl? So she gets scared when a door suddenly shuts behind them and she rushes ahead and trips, hence the scene above.

Please do let  us know how you all enjoy the scene! We'll be trying to ensure the scenes that are made and shared are more varied, compared to the existing ones in the game. (Aka the punishment ones, which aren't too different when paired up next to each other.)



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