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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

With how day 19 ends, there's a time skip of 6 weeks. This is seen with all routes, but handled a bit different for them as well.

One thing to note is side girls have a shorter route than main girl's, but their story elements should still feel fairly fulfilling. It isn't cut short because we don't wish to give them full routes similar to the main girl's, but we do have to remember they're side girls to the game's story. So they're not the major focus point, but still they'll have their own little fitting storylines for those who wish to see more of them. (depending on how popular or demanded it is, we'll look into adding full routes for Zoey, Bridget and Lola or additional content fitting to their stories.)

For Lola, their relationship has been going pretty strong, aside from some issues concerning that Lola still dating John to get personal gains out of it. So this puts Brandon in an odd spot with how their relationship is handled, his thoughts mess with him to make him question if she actually wants things to change at some point or if maybe she's just too invested with John to move on, even without the personal gains.

Lola's part 1 is a very interesting route story start that has a pretty fun twist in the sense of how things play out. I don't want to purely ruin the surprise for the main focus of what is taking place, but if you've played Erika's or Miki's part 1. You might possibly like this one even if you're not a fan of ntr or like the idea of your lover being involved with another person, you'll still get enjoyment out of about 75% of the route part before any sexual stuff comes into play.

Continuing on her route part, it plays on some topics we've seen pop up with Lola in the first half of the game. Stuff that wasn't fully seen before yet, but possibly hinted at seeing it later. All I can say Is go back to days 13 & 14 area before the festival or think back to the day with Lola from that and what took place there, it offers a good hint towards something we didn't see there fully play out but on a larger scale. (sorry for being vague >.< )

The final hint to mention and might possibly give it away, we haven't seen Brandon fully try out some cosplay have we? I wonder what kind of cosplay outfit ideas Lola has in mind perhaps? :P

(side note: it'll be mentioned in the news post #2 this month sometime this weekend, but I'd like to include more content jump buttons in update 0.14 to fitting spots in the first half of the game so it can mainly be used to say jump to the start of the festival days to freshen up on details from there or jump to day 5's punishment area, stuff like that. We can't really balance these jumps for example, if we let you jump to the festival days. You won't have stats earned or variables unlocked from earlier (unless you're playing godmode). The way that everything plays out, it's simply too much to balance or offer a fair way to jump around and check content out like this without just giving you max stats and variables, which is what godmode does and so we can't fully do that either for the normal version of the game.)

With the other route parts we don't really get a sense of what Lola or Bridget are up to during the timeline of events taking place. We happen to know Zoey at least played hide and seek at some point in the day for most of the day, but where were Lola and Bridget? Well of course we'll see what they were up to during this time and why we might've not seen them in other part 1's.

There is a brief moment where a main girl pops up during events, so it'll be interesting to show what they were up to before they went off to do their main stuff seen during their part 1.

~Writer notes~

-This route came out to be roughly 6500 word count, making it the longest route part to date. It wasn't intended to be this long, but with trying to ensure the pacing of dialogue and events felt normal and not cut short, it ended up being a little more than expected. (for comparison the longest other route part before this was 5700 word count.)

-Fans or those not sure about Lola, either because of her ntr elements to be seen or other reasons. I think to be completely fair and honest, if you dislike ntr stuff. You won't like Lola's route sadly, but that isn't to say her whole focus of her route is nothing but ntr sexual stuff going on. (would be weird if their routes only jumped from sex scene to sex scene, etc.) Honestly trust me when I say you can try Lola's part 1 out for about 75-80% without seeing any content that might not be to your liking. So I hope people will at least give it a try and see if they can look past her sexual stuff, but I'm not trying to force people either.

-Lola's route part 1 has the most extreme sex act to be seen so far, but it'll make sense in context if you think about it once it shows up.

-Without trying to spoil the main fun of Lola's part 1, I'll just mention it was fun to play Brandon in a different light for this. That is all I'll say :P

-Lola's part 1 should feel very connected from start to finish, it shouldn't feel broken up by extra side things going on, but rather the main focus is seen from start to finish.


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