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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

With how day 19 ends, there's a time skip of 6 weeks. This is seen with all routes, but handled a bit different for them as well.

One thing to note is side girls have a shorter route than main girl's, but their story elements should still feel fairly fulfilling. It isn't cut short because we don't wish to give them full routes similar to the main girl's, but we do have to remember they're side girls to the game's story. So they're not the major focus point, but still they'll have their own little fitting storylines for those who wish to see more of them. (depending on how popular or demanded it is, we'll look into adding full routes for Zoey, Bridget and Lola or additional content fitting to their stories.)

For Zoey, their relationship has been going okay. It's more on the slowest side for any of the girls, as Brandon is nervous to really try doing anything too far, not only for her sake. But also because of his buddy Nathan, who is Zoey's cousin and not wishing to mess things up on that end.

Zoey seems to be enjoying her relationship, but there's still some issues going on with the academy and how students judge her, thinking that she's too stupid and so forth. It's a hard topic to tackle, as Brandon wants to change how others will view her or even figure out a way for Zoey to ignore their thoughts.

Zoey's part 1 will tackle a little of everything in a sense, we'll see some themes of how other students still view her and get to dig deeper into Zoey's personal life now that we're dating her. Anyone recall the underwear club during the festival and how Zoey wanted to join it? I wonder what ever happened with that... :P

It should be a easy going focus if you choose to go into Zoey's part 1 to check it out, I know people have linked Miki and Zoey together as being too similar. While they both are pretty childish, they should still come off feeling a bit different toned and what makes them, who they are.

There is a intertwining moment from Erika and Miki's route part 1 seen very briefly, as you guess. There's some hide and seek stuff that goes on, but I didn't quite want to delve into repeating what is seen more in full from Miki or Erika's route by repeating the events in Zoey's route part. Think of it more as a small recap, mention that they spent the rest of the day playing hide and seek with Miki, Charlotte and Erika. (leaving some room for mystery for those who come to the series later and possibly check out Zoey's part 1 before the other girls.)

Mainly I just didn't want to do a forced repeat of what we saw in Miki/Erika's part 1 for hide and seek from a slightly different angle. As the only thing that came to mind for how to spin it a little, is to show the locker room moment and a brief moment when running into Zoey a 2nd or 3rd time. But mainly the locker room moment would've seen more benefit for some difference in how things took place with her being your girlfriend. But again, it felt kind of like it would be tiresome to go through these brief moments like this? (maybe I'm wrong)

~Writer notes~

-This route came out to be roughly 4500-4700 word count.

-For fans or those not sure about Zoey, I think her stuff will appeal to some people. But I'd like to kind of spoiler it a little, not to expect anything hardcore on the sexual side for her and leave it at that. 

-Without trying to ruin the fun, think of Rachel's route for a moment and there should be something related to that to be seen here during Zoey's part. Not to confuse anyone, we're not seeing Rachel in Zoey's route part. But rather something going on in Rachel's part 1 for a focus will share a similar moment for Zoey's part 1 but in a different way that I hope will make sense once players get to it. :P

-Zoey's part 1 will play out a bit broken up feeling possibly, but hopefully not too rushed from one moment to the next. The main focus for what she has planned for the day is introduced at the start of the part 1 and we'll work our way to that focus point before things lead towards the end.

-I don't want to ruin it, but fans of Heather might get a nice little moment seen in Zoey's part 1 that you may wish to try out simply to get look at it. :P


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