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With the release of update 0.13 it brought along the main girl's routes (their first part of six each).

Each one having their own personal story to be told, of course part 1 might not introduce their overall story for some girls, while others might actually have some of what to expect in their route.

We'd like to receive some voting/poll feedback to see how everyone enjoyed the route parts so far, but please do comment your likes or dislikes about stuff too! We have these route stories planned out, but there's room for adjustments if needed.

(Keep in mind there was placeholder cg screens, those will be replaced with finished cg art to match the dialogue during them. But please don't let this affect your voting, we'll add cg art as quickly as we can. It's just been an on going struggle.)

Please vote on as many options as you wish. ^^



Haven't played much of the routes yet, i played the Erika route and i loved the way we could see so much of her charakter, really liked the story. She even reminds me of myselve when i was 18 Years old, being jealous to the max. On the other hand i disliked the sexual contend or in other words the lack of it. Yeah the scene in the hide and seek game was nice, and you could tell how much she want's Brandon. But i was a bit frustrated that they ended up with "light cuddling".


For sure check out the other routes when you get the chance! ^^ They all should at least be tried even if there's a dislike for one of the girls, it might open up showing something you'll enjoy from them, etc. Either way! Happy to hear you enjoyed Erika's route so far, it was pretty interesting and felt pretty fitting to let players take her point of view for part 1. My hopes were to really help players see what makes her tick and how she feels about things in the relationship, friends and in general thoughts. She is a bit on the lighter side for sexual content for part 1 sadly, but we'll see her storyline progress pretty well soon enough and what kind of interesting fun they'll end up having when alone as feelings progress. :P (the cg scene should be roughly one scene, but with about 2-3 variations to go along with dialogue.)


I played all the routes. Pretty good so far, but I take it Erika is just jealous overall? It felt a little weird in a butterfly effect kind of way that her reactions to events with Miki, and with Rachel/Juliet felt the same no matter which girl Brandon ends up dating. I imagined that if the player picked someone other than Erika, her actions and feelings toward Brandon or the girl would change depending on who he’s with; i.e. how would she treat Brandon if he was with Miki? Surely differently than if he was with Rachel, right? I'm curious to see how this develops. Also, found a bug with Juliet’s route: after leaving Heather’s room when they’re in the hall, the text doesn’t show up. Double-tapping the spacebar will eventually bring up the text box buttons like save, log, skip, auto, but the pink text box itself, and the text doesn’t show up again until back in Juliet’s room. The log shows that text is supposed to be there, it just doesn’t appear.


Thanks! ^^ Erika does tend to have a bit of an odd jealousy mindset, I can see the butterfly effect thing for sure. We'll continue to see how Erika acts during her route and others routes, the differences and such. One key element for why she comes off in certain ways is meant to be seen as her feelings that she's still struggling with towards Brandon even if he goes with someone else. I do think Erika's overall route will be a pretty good one and keep things spiced up and such. Thank you for letting me know about that! >.< very simple fix thankfully, luckily there isn't too much that is missed out between leaving Heather's room and making it back to Juliet's room. Without really spoiling any text for it, it's mainly Juliet's excitement from learning about some new interests. (I'll roll out a hotfix for update 0.13 here in a few days that fixes some minor stuff or major/bigger issues if found.)


I really loved the whole fancy dinner arc with Nova. It was so funny and cute I give it an A+


Glad you enjoyed it! ^^ (I'd like to touch up the route parts just a little along the line when there's time) Mainly Nova's dinner date moment being expanded a bit longer, but there might be some stuff to expand a little on for other girl's stuff but if not, then some simple fixing up of wording on stuff, etc. ^^


Now that I've seen some more, I guess another thing I'd say is that I actually really like the idea of having each route be in similar "timelines" that lets you see similar events from different perspectives (a la Miki vs Erika route). I think it's a really neat touch that adds some unique depth to the story line. Definitely a design choice I'd like to see more of!


^^ Very happy to hear that, as it is something I wanted to show off the intertwining of events between routes. I'm sure some might notice X or Y things aren't exactly the same, like for example Miki vs Erika. You have a different outcome of what Miki is doing towards the end of those two routes with one being clearly seen as. "This is because they're dating vs how things played out if not dating." We'll see more of this with the future parts for sure! ^^


Slight update: We are aware of some issues with the route part 1's and we're looking to make some adjustments to fix some concerns that feel fitting. Mainly Nova, Rachel and Juliet. Nova we wish to expand her dinner date and help make her route not feel too broken up as it sits currently. Her sexual moment will also be adjusted to be better suited for what's going on. Rachel and Juliet are mainly adjustments to better suit their sexual moments.