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The original plan set during this month was to launch the kickstarter on August 1st.

This is being pushed back by what I hope is at most a week tops, so that the launch is on August 7th instead. Why is it being pushed back and delayed further?

Simply put, the campaign page is 99% ready. The 1% that isn't falls on our video trailer not being done yet. Unless a miracle happens today or tomorrow, it can take kickstarter from 1-3 days to review a project before having it ready to launch. So with that in mind with August 1st,  I'd need the trailer ready by the 29th to roughly account for a 3 day wait time before it's launched.

I could launch the kickstarter without the video trailer, but as much as I really don't want to delay the launch... I want to give this it's best shot, having the trailer to help out with this. It might seem silly, but I'd like to show to those not aware of our project that it's being tackled as professionally as these kind of projects that are successful are known to be.

So with this all said, I am sorry to those of you who were looking forward to the August 1st launch date. We will do special kickstarter news posts like this up until launch to keep everyone updated on the situation about the video trailer, once we have a early in progress video given to us, you can count on seeing this very same video as a preview the same day we're seeing it for the first time.

(On the bright side, update 0.13 release in T-minus 3 days! It's one of our bigger sized updates yet, with about roughly 27,000-30,000 word count (overall) from the main girl's route part 1's being added. Comparison sake, our normal updates are about 8500-12,500 word count range.)



All game companies have release date push backs occasionally so don't worry much about it. That update sounds so awesome with so much new content I can't wait!


That is true! Another plus side to this minor delay, should let anyone interested have an extra week to put money aside towards what they'd like to do. It's been a crazy month behind the scenes for how things processed, but I'm sure there should be a decent leap in writing quality as well.