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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

With how day 19 ends, there's a time skip of 6 weeks. This is seen with all routes, but handled a bit different for them as well.

For Miki, things have been going pretty well. The couple aren't too heavy into doing sexual stuff together still. But Brandon feels it's most likely due to her awkwardness and that he'd just let them have their normal fun relationship and let things progress on their own like they have been.

Miki is spending her weekend playing hide and seek tag, gathering Zoey, Charlotte, Erika and Brandon together to play. She decides to have Brandon be it and seek them out first and so we'll follow him throughout the day, searching for the girls and having a blast doing so.

The entire day is spent playing, as he'll find them one by one and how it affects him finding the other girls.

These behind the scenes for writing are a little different than normal, as I'm trying to give a more vague overall idea of what is going to be happening. Rather than a play by play of events from start to finish. (as it's very long to write out a summary of these) Not that it's an issue, but it feels like it would be better to focus on the overall idea rather and drop some hints and also add my personal notes below about the actual writing thoughts, ideas, etc. That went through my head when doing this. :P

~Writer notes~

-This route came out to be about the same size as Nova's at roughly 4400-4600 word count.

-I'm very excited to see how fans of Miki will enjoy how her route begins, it's very fun and one thing to mention about it. Is there is a lack of seeing Miki for a good bit during this part, but no need to worry about this being common for her. I hope you'll enjoy just how crazy things are whenever Miki is the one in charge of putting things together.

-Fans of Charlotte should get a treat with this as well.

-The quality of writing for these route parts I feel have been boosted greatly compared to how writing in days 1-19 has been. Which makes me want to go back in some free time and bring the writing more up to speed in those days to match this quality.

-A note to keep in mind, those who play Miki's route, might wish to check out Erika's route as there's some stuff that intertwines. But it isn't needed to fully enjoy either Miki or Erika's route.



This sounds like a fun way to handle things. I plan on playing through all the girls routes as I enjoy each character for different reasons, but Miki is definitely one of my favorites. I am really looking forward to next week. Thank you for your work and I hope you enjoy putting the game together as much as others enjoy playing it.


Glad to hear! ^^ I'm always trying to hype up each update, bigger than what it is. But I really am excited to see how everyone will enjoy the route stuff next week. It's been hard to choose a personal favorite route part 1 so far on the writing side of things. Thanks! Always much appreciated to hear how everyone is enjoying the updates, what they like, dislike even, and so on. I enjoy engaging with everyone, to me, the thoughts from everyone after a update goes live is something I look forward to. The actual behind the scenes work can be mixed from hectic to more relaxed, all depending on the subject of how much content to fit in without rushing it either.