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Early preview of the writing for day 18 section 1.

The section focuses on Heather.

It begins with Brandon deciding to check up on Heather who has been locked in her room since the previous night. After a while he's able to have her let him in and he's shocked by how she looks compared to normal, as he begins to question and learn about why she's been in hiding about who she really is all along.

We learn some subtle details about what led her to into hiding and everything, along with mentions about Juliet. Learning a little more about their past but not by much and as things continue, she feels while coming out about many secrets. She feels it's right to share with him about a interesting secret of hers that requires her to make him look away.

He receives the okay to look back to her once again and is shocked to see her standing in some sort of leather latex outfit, as he begins to question her about it. We learn that she possibly is into some extreme dom like kinky stuff, which doesn't really seem to fully shock him with the further details thinking back on events.

Depending on affection, there's a unlock that will act as a big moment for her by the end of this section. Before he heads off.

-Writer notes-

-The section isn't quite as long as I was thinking it'd end up, it's about 1600-1800 word count. The idea in mind was to give some light to the situation to players but still not fully explain everything right off the bat.

-Originally I was going to leave out her "secret" as it is pretty clear what it is for her character from the start. Instead trying to just purely focus on a one on one questions and answer style situation for them, but I felt it would've felt kind of too cut and dry like that. Plus her "secret" like other characters was one of the last to be shared to players, so it felt right to at least mention it here.

-Little side note, section 1 was actually going to be about Erika. But it felt more fitting to swap section 1 and 2's plots around a bit. That way section 1 would be kind of more fitting given it's going right into figuring out about the previous day's events rather than something with Erika, then learning about the previous events.


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