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It's been a little over a week since we've seen any news on how Heather is coming along after our first preview. So I'd like to share how she's coming along since there's more to show now. ^^

We have our side by side comparison, left is clearly the new final design for Heather and the right is her current design.

I know with our first preview and poll, the major concern seemed to be with the hips/thigh area for her new design. It seems that many like her have more of that closer to the current design. I won't try to cover anything up in the sense, as it is clear there is a difference still. But part of this could also be a little bit to do with the pose between the two giving the idea that her thighs are bigger than they're supposed to be. (I won't even try to say anything about the hips :P )

While keeping that in mind, I am keeping a close eye on the design and while there has been progress since our first preview. Even if she's closer to being done and we do have to adjust her hips/thighs a bit. It will delay when she'll be finished by a little, but still on time for update 0.12 in June.

It also is a little work to adjust her outfits to the adjustments to hip/thigh changes, but it shouldn't be as bad as one might think. ^^

With this all said, I do want to give it another chance to let everyone see if things seem okay with the new progress on her new design, or if you feel that her hips/thighs from the current design is still better fitted. (we can try to strike a balance)

There will be a voting poll here. It'll be pretty simple compared to the previous one related to her, vote on any options that apply with your thoughts. ^^



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