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Early preview of the writing for the whole day 17. (Massive huge story Spoilers!)

(Read at your risk of spoiling a major story element! Please be mindful not to spoil this for others. Thank you <3 )

This section focuses on all main girls. (no Zoey, Lola or Bridget)

The section begins later in the night, as the sun is setting. With the festival officially wrapped up, the idol event is soon starting. Where Brandon, Joey and Nathan are in the crowd with other students waiting for things to begin.

The three boys chat about the upcoming idol dancing and singing that will take place with those who signed up to do it. There's talk about new transfer students, they mention why students don't reach out to the public about the academy and also Joey wonders if the girls on stage will be allowed to wear underwear so he can see some pantyshots :P

After a while, John comes onto the stage and mentions that before they begin. He is offering the girls some sort of energy drink before their performances. Where the first performance is being done by the main six girls.

They begin dancing and singing a love song, which gains Brandon's attention. But he shakes it off. After their performance is finished, a group of three new transfer students come onto the stage next and perform a bit more erotic style performance.

After their performance ends, the main girl of that group named Evelynn wishes to introduce herself to the crowd. Where everyone learns that she's much like Juliet, a fellow royal princess, except she's from out of the country. She goes on about herself and how her family donated a lot into the academy and so she wishes to stick around to check how their investment is being handled.

As she's leaving the stage, she stops and something off stage catches her eye. With the mic in her hand still, she calls Heather to come over. Everyone seems a bit confused, as Evelynn is mentioning things like...

I knew it was you Heather! Even with the change from growing up, dying your hair and having eye contacts. She continues to expand that they used to run around Heather's manor when younger, but she's confused why she's went into hiding. With many still confused and John wishing to let the idol event continue, he tries to ask if they can chat off stage.

But she won't accept that, she instead slyly smiles and mentions she wishes to expose Heather to the whole academy. Which is getting Heather flustered, as Evelynn drops the news that Heather is in fact the long lost older princess of the Hillingham royal family. Making Heather, Juliet's older sister and confirming that she is a real princess this entire time.

With that out of the way, Evelynn hands John the mic back and John quickly is stunned by the news and decides to cancel the rest of the event. Staff and teachers begin trying to force students to head back to their rooms for the night, but Brandon can't let this stop here. He sneaks off towards the stage and finds a few tents behind the stage. One is labeled as "dressing room".

Not really thinking clearly, he decides to head in and is thinking about who he wishes to find and chat about the news revealed. (player choice between six girls).

Depending on who you choose, you'll find them in the tent half dressed and they'll chat a little about the Heather event or what not, but as things continue. He notices the girl is oddly rubbing their diaper and it seems that the drink from earlier is making them horny.

Brandon tries to reason with the girl and help get her dressed, get her back to her room to be safe for the night. But during this struggle of helping dress them, things lead a different way and a player choice pops up to accept going further or control your urges, etc.

The rest I can't say quite yet as each choice path has different sex acts that match the girls based on the events going on, etc. But it should be a huge replay section, when compared to day 5 section 3 choices. This will feel much different in the outcomes per girl, so each one has different things happening for events. Not only different dialogue. :P

-Writer notes-

-The section is roughly 3k word count before choices pop up. Then each choice path is about 1500-1800 word count. So while day 17 is only one big section, it should feel like a normal day in terms of length if not more.

-The idol event has always been a major story plot piece talked about since the start of the game dev work. While some earlier versions of ideas were scrapped before the reboot and changed to what we'll see now, it's been a big event that really nails the feeling of what's to come as girlfriend routes come into play only 2 days after day 17.. Without considering other themes through the game, in a sense the festival arc story is the ending of one part of the game. As things progress and change moving forward as girlfriend routes kick in.

-The major spoiler with Heather might come to many as expected or not a huge surprise? But I do hope it was handled greatly, this was also a big concern with the idol event day. That players would find out who Heather is and it would really open up her character for the general game moving forward and her route.  (for those who this does come as a complete shock. Do play through Heather and Juliet sections, paying close attention. After or before getting to day 17. :P )

-The choice ideas for this day in the past were targeted to be more similar to how day 5 is more focused on John and the girls. But I felt like even before the reboot, that considering how people felt with John at the time. That I didn't want to mess it up in a sense.

The original idea would've been that during the idol performances, outsiders who were shady were allowed to come to the academy and bid towards their favorite girls. Which Brandon caught on and when breaking away from the crowd to check on things, he finds X girl behind the stage with a shady guy and they're about to preform a sex act with them. The player would've had the choice to prevent it or let it happen, kind of similar to how day 5 sec 3 currently handles the optional choices.

But this felt like the wrong way to go with things, not only with the old story elements. But also considering how John was being viewed by many for the other big choice that had him involved. Needless to say, I feel that this final idol event writing is the way I want things to be handled. These big choices like this shouldn't exclude Brandon (the player) from being involved in them like day 5.

-Minor spoiler for events after day 17. There is two days of general events that are relaxed, no focus on school work stuff to keep the whole relaxing week of festival stuff in mind even with it over. I won't go into details about what the final 6 sections consist of before girlfriend routes, but it's all planned out and should be both good information for characters and also some unlocks, good outcome choices, etc.


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