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I don't make this decision lightly since I love getting you guys as much content as possible within a week, but I think this is an important change to make if I'm gonna keep making the best smut I can for you guys long term. Starting this week, I'm going to do two standard commissions a month, each one split over two weeks, instead of four standard commissions, cramming in one per week. This will mean 14 uploads every month instead of 16. Every other week will be three finished uploads (four for MILF Devotees and up if you count the commission WIP), and then four finished uploads the next week, back and forth.

This will not affect how I handle MILF Tamer and MILF Master commissions, which will be done like they always have been, one a week per tier. 

The main reason for this is that poll winners have become a lot more ambitious here over time. I don't mind that at all - if anything, I think poll winners are kind of the heart and soul of this whole thing, since it's a community effort coming up with the ideas, voting for them, and then me doing my best to bring it to life. I love putting a lot of time and detail into them. But the simple fact is I've been struggling to do them in one day like I've been trying to do for months now. It's not sustainable for me creatively to completely burn myself out every Frday and then only have one day to recuperate before diving right back in.

I'm not complaining, I truly love doing this and feel lucky every day that you all support the smut I make. But that's why I want to make sure I can do it for a long time instead of flaming out because of taking on more than I can handle as a one man show.

I hope 14 uploads per month instead of 16 is still plenty for you guys. I think this will have a lot of advantages, since I can spend more time polishing both the weekly poll winners, as well as the standard commissions (and not have to rush the commissioners to get back to me overnight with any changes they want).

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns at all. If for any reason you think two less uploads per month is a dealbreaker, I really will understand, but I hope the change at least makes sense.



All good man


2 fewer posts a month in exchange for more polished products over all? Seems like more than a fair trade me. No doubt it’ll still be great smutty content.


I love what you do, so no problems here. Keep up the good work ( now with even more quality, if that is even possible.)👍


I agree with the others, quality over quantity, especially if it gives you more time to rest and relax.


No problem here.


i just want you to know you are the goat and i will always support you 👍.