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We back 😤 And gonna things back off with something a little different: this week, come up with a scenario involving a beta/wimp getting it rubbed in his face by a girl he always wanted but never even gets to have. In other words, the scene should establish a crush of his, and then have that crush cuck him.  Both original and rule 34 scenes are allowed.

Some guidelines to keep in mind:

-Please try to keep the complexity of your scene under control - remember I have a limited amount of time to draw these

-Keep the character counts relatively low (no gangbangs!)

-No  scenes involving real people or the likenesses of real people (such  as    movie characters that would involve drawing the actor's likeness)

-No ideas involving incest or underage characters

-No futa ideas (I do futa for commissions only)

-No political themes or satire

-I    will not include overly-complex scenarios that I don't think I can     manage within the time constraints in the poll, regardless of how  many    Likes they get


Mr. Dandy

Dojo's Strongest Whore: Our poor beta has always struggled against bullies. Even as a temp at his office job, he was getting harassed and pushed around. Well it all ends after he sees a flyer for his local karate dojo that is looking for new members who have never practiced martial arts before. Perfect for a meek guy himself looking to make a change. The icing on the cake is the super hot karate gi wearing girl on the flyer. Heiress to the dojo's late master, the girl on the flyer is a knockout with a banging body and tits too big for the gi itself. What's more is that on the last line, it says that if you get a hit on one of the black belts then you get a prize! Panel one: Beta MC at a desk from a POV perspective looking at the flyer fantasying about the sexy karate girl on the flyer striking a couple of poses. He even thinks to himself that maybe the prize was getting a kiss or a date from the sultry combat cutie. Panel two: Beta MC laid out on the mat of the dojo after getting his ass beat with some scuff marks all over his temporary gi. The same girl from the flyer sprawled over the beta as the one of the stronger, manlier black belts is piston fucking her fat ass while her tits sway to and from. The karate girl reveals that she can't help but get off to watching the stronger men at the dojo beat up on unsuspecting betas who think they can get anywhere near her. Throughout all of her taunting, not once did the black belt stop clapping her cheeks through her jeering.


Mommy's Special Valentine sequel/backstory The mom starts retelling to her son how she had just fallen into his bully's hands when he asked her to introduce his son's crushes to him so he could steal them under his nose. First Scene: wimp is in his room doing an assignment with the glasses girl while holding hands when mom comes in with some snacks (cum-filled choco-chip cookies) and asks for the girl's contact details for some "girl talk". Second Scene: Mom calls the girl into their house when the wimp isn't there to introduce her to her "friend". She proceeds to get to know the bully by getting fucked relentlessly in the wimp's bed and becoming one of his sluts while degrading the beta boi.