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It's the free one!

We all saw the story about the weird A.I.-generated Wonka-themed event in Glasgow. But we also think it’s a harbinger of other things to come re: the only things that make it endearing at all are the difficult-despite-it-all attempts to work with terrible material—attempts that humans have to make!—when the computer says to do something stupid. We also talk about Johnny Mercer’s strange quantum state of admitting to knowledge of but also refusing to disclose information about UK military war crimes in Afghanistan. Also we talk about November’s predictions for 2024: King dead; Saudi economic collapse.




November Springs

Jen Proctor

I’m in bed with a migraine and November triggered a Proustian reverie that my completely irreligious parents took me to what was advertised a Banana in Pyjamas themed event (Aotearoa NZ in the late 90s) as a child that was just a church play by a very culty denomination with no bananas or pyjamas to be found and they have photos of me in my 90s girl clothes getup being King David’s sword bearer. Anyway I’m a Jewish man in my thirties now so they really got my ass. Would have loved to experience biblical bananas in pyjamas though.