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This week, Riley, Milo, and Alice join special guest (and beloved friend of the show) Paris Marx of the Tech Won’t Save Us podcast for a discussion about Apple Vision Pro. Yes, the ridiculous snowboarding goggles that let you see pop up ads everywhere, the next iteration of Google Glass (but worse, and weirder). Our message to you is: bully anyone wearing these things.

Check out Tech Won’t Save Us here: https://www.techwontsave.us



I like my slop, goddammit it. Don't you dare change my slop


The "mapplication," if you will


iPod Shuffle


Buses to balance the grid are a brilliant idea. As most EVs have bidirectional charging now, the >90% of the time they are idle can be well used


all of you americans typing "sex asses" instead of "sex arses", you should all be ashamed.

David Lee

Why does Charles sound so much like Tim Westwood? It's creating some very strange mental images.

Patrick Dexter

What name was beeped out from Milo’s bus rant near the start?