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*This is supposed to be January's second LOR and we're going to pull out the stops to make sure you get a second LOR this month as well. Sorry!*

ALSO: Audio issues stole the last five minutes of the episode, so we will try and see if Alice remembers her final thoughts on the book.

He did it again and nobody can stop him - Riley has made another episode about Peter Watts’ hard sci-fi novel Blindsight, and he has made Alice read it too.



I was a little disappointed this episode simply ended. I don't think I ever really got to understand Alice's thoughts on the book. Like...how did she disagree? It didn't feel like there was a conclusion here. Was hoping for more discussion than this.

Stuart Harrison

I wouldn’t call Iain M Banks hard sci fi per-se. The Culture books are more space operas with _themes_. Hard sci-fi to me is more like Kim Stanley Robinson, Liu Cixin etc, where they really go in on the “SCI” part of Sci Fi.

Stuart Harrison

Speaking of which, I do think some of KSR’s climate fiction stuff would be great for a Left on Read. Ministry for the Future in particular would bring some great discussion points out. It’s equal parts bleak, hopeful and pollyannaish


Audio issues unfortunately made that list five minutes unrecoverable! I will ask her to kick off the next LoR with the same opinions.


have you considered doing a left on read on one of mike davis's works? i'd love to hear your opinions on city of quartz or prisoners of the american dream