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For this week's regular TF bonus, Riley, Milo, Hussein, and Alice discuss a startup from Brisbane, Australia that sees a way forward for video game voice actors: make AI do it, but worse. We also discuss a recent announcement that you can get NFTs inside your Mercedes for some reason.


Andrew Davis

Not to be too revelatory, but the only useful information conveyed by county property tax assessments in California is the percentage value of the land versus the building in a particular parcel.


"Masayoshi Son's oubliette" is so fucking good


Riley really hit the nail on the head about the managerial fantasy that is “AI”. I used to work for a company that contracted for one of the major cloud service providers, and that fantasy had weaseled its way into the tech space. For a long time the large tech companies have utilized a business model where they outsource as much of their own work as possible, with engineers on my team making 1/2 of what the cloud provider’s FTEs made, and because we had a presence in India they could further cut costs by sending work to engineers paid $6 an hour with terrible working conditions. At the end of 2022/start of 2023 they began forcing everyone to use a terrible “AI” tool that was not only wrong most of the time, but using it often made the process of completing work tickets take even longer. Eventually the companies started using this a poorly constructed “AI” as an excuse for layoffs, resulting in a significant cut to quality. Eliminating technical staff who understand the products (including the “AI”) leaves a thick layer of managers, who’s role becomes more akin to interpreting the utterances of the “god” machine they’ve created. Large companies (especially in tech) don’t give a damn about quality, or even supporting their products. From what I observed, if they could legally get away with providing zero support whatsoever, they absolutely would in the name of shareholder value. IMO a big part of the push to eliminate technical or creative roles is that the people in those roles are less likely to be snowed by business jargon and general bullshit that comes from the professional managerial class. People who have the knowledge to call out managers on their fuckery are seen as a threat, and are quickly eliminated in the name of maintaining the longevity of managers who have little/no knowledge beyond a business degree.


The only thing I would add to that is I see it truly as a managerial brain worm across industry. I had listened to people complaining about their managers, dealing with the same shit as tech workers. But they work in industries where any failure is followed by: "... and then everybody died".


Ethical ai bonus voice?


I can't wait for the art with no artist for no audience