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We speak with Q Anon Anonymous U.K. correspondent Annie Kelly about how, far from being fringe whackos, the lumpen petit bourgeois wingnuts that meet on telegram and gather outside Parliament are central to the right wing project. Also, we read Starmer’s baffling paean to NATO.



Yes! Glad that Annie brought up that the Q/Truckers/misc. wingnut protestors are people who usually don't go to protests. Definitely the impression I got from going to check them out myself


Great episode, and some really good insights from Annie. While I think Stamer probably doesn't really know much about the Stop the War movement and his arguments don't really make sense, I think he's unintentionally right in some degree as while Stop the War is a noble cause the current leaders of Stop The War are well known Uyghur genocide deniers and use exclusively CCP talking points to support their stance on this issue. Also they were involved in a Stop Asian Hate rally where some CCP stooges and possible triad members attended with them to intimidate a counter protest by Hong Kongers. So yeah Stopping Wars is good but they seem to be bad faith actors who are selective about what violence they object to.