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...but I won't build 1.5 more!

RIP NEOM. The gang looks back fondly on our favourite megaproject as the Line's official plans are scaled back from 170km to only 2.4km (or 1.5 miles) by 2030. Then, we look at the emerging political movement of Grey Pride, and the plans that Balaji Srinivasan, author of the Network State, has to rebuild San Francisco in his image, claiming: "What Elon did for Twitter, so too shall we do for San Francisco!"


Josep C.

Remember remember, the 1.5 miles of Neomver,... N for Neom

Grumpy Bowlart

I would love for these losers to win the lawsuits against the landowners, but to lose the water rights in perpetuity, so that all they have is an arid patch of dirt


Why would he wear 2 robert moses masks?

E Lyons

I love Riley's Music Man analogy in which the circus comes to town and gives the children trumpets and violins to keep them out of the pool hall. Maybe that's what happens in the Canadian Music Man?