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It's Royal Rumble Month, and what better way to spend it than a brand new edition of SGH with one of the more popular Royal Rumble events?! Tables Matches, Street Fights, a bikini contest (AHHH!), and so much more! Chris Denker joins us a special guest to talk about all the craziness that was the WWF in 2000. 



sgh 45

Watch "sgh 45" on Streamable.


Dave K

Its crazy how obvious the switch out of the barbed wire is too, the shoot barbed wire gets all untangled from the board and the fake one is all pristine and plastic looking. my headcanon 100 percent was that Hunter was like "Im not fucking letting you hit me with barbed wire".


This was one of the first PPVs I ever watched as a kid, lmao. They showed this on free TV in the UK and I think the Mae Young segment actually got it pulled off the channel entirely.


That Taka bump is legendary

Armando J. Mendoza

I remember going over my brother’s friend’s house for most of the WWF PPVs at this point because we couldn’t buy it on a consistent basis so we went to said friend’s house, paid $5 and had a good time. In fact, my brother and I knew it was Taz before they did because we were watching ECW on local tv (it would come on Fridays at like 1 or sometimes 2am). Man, such good memories.


I think we all can agree that Jacqueline should've won the Bikini contest.


My favorite part about Deadlock is being able to look back at how objectively ASS 🔥🔥🔥 so much shit I enjoyed as a kid was