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A lot have been messaging me about bringing back QnA's, Soleshots and all that good stuff. But I have just so much time on my hand.

What shall we do this time?

Im up for ANYTHING :D so HIT ME!



QnA’s please. They better highlight your cast, allow for their interests and lore to be expanded upon, have a tickling pic at the end, while also being less art intensive and therefore should be able to fill in the gaps where you’re not releasing anything. Fanart is nice too but too poll heavy. I’d rework it to be: one character and scenario per patron, then you assign them a number and use a randomizer to pick it. Faster that way vs having to have a poll for the characters and then a poll for the scenarios, it’s just not optimal


You could combine the roulette and the fanart idea. Have patrons submit 1 per character and (maybe) limit it to one character per franchise. Then the Roulette can decided who sees the Crusaders.