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After Aloy, who should we tickle next?


Something Random

I can easily see Rebecca winning, ticklish gremlin characters are the best!


Probably in the minority, but I would love to see Dorio's ticklish end at the hands of Maine all cyberpsychoed out.

Hairless Chris

I don't know who any of those characters are so I can't vote 😢


I don’t know who any of them are BUT I just googled them and I voted Kiwi. Lucy is the hottest looking to me, and Dorio would be hot to tickle too since she’s JACKED, but Kiwi is tallest so that means she’s got the biggest feet so she wins 🤣 Rebecca is not attractive to me at all


I’m pretty sure I’m entitled to one free character drawing cause mine was forgotten on the Halloween Poll? jk jk XD


I miself dont know these, thanks for the extra info though :D


Lmao if you don’t know them why are you drawing them instead of enjoying your hiatus?? 🤣💀


Im enjoying it currently. :D i like the designs. So I wanted to do them justice.


Wouldn’t hate this, big muscular types being tickled is 😍😍