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So you might have noticed pretty much total radio silence here, huh?

Since moving, I've had a harder and harder time finding the ambition and the ideas to animate. Things have felt very by the numbers, and it's made me incredibly wary and critical of my animations- which, in turn, has caused me to pretty much shut down. My mental health has also not been terribly great for a variety of reasons I won't go into here.

I had originally planned to get back to work proper in April. That uh, didn't last long. And, somehow, it's now May.

So, basically, I've been on a bit of a break.

Currently, feels like the sun's coming out and the fog is dissipating. I'm hoping that I'll be getting back to work soon. I'm excited to get back to work on Sholstim, shouldn't be too difficult aside from animating some tongue magic.

Also seriously need to finish Chonk up as well, since he's -so close- to being finished. Also plenty of folks have poked me about Juniper and if she'll be done soon- Juniper is a lot more complicated than I originally gave her design credit for, and as such she's going to take a while to get all figured out. Please be patient.

Overall, thank you all so much for your continued support and words of encouragement. I'm trying to get stuff figured out, and y'all telling me to take it easy helps take a lot of stress off.

I've given some thought to my streaming schedule, and I'm not sure I want to stick with it, or if it's wise for me to try to stick to a proper streaming schedule at all. If I do decide to go back to it, they're going to end up probably being earlier in the day or later at night (American timezones).




Thank you for the update, obviously art takes time and isn't necessarily 'manufactured.' You need to be in the right mood. Glad you're still working all the same, and happy for update on Juniper.


It's always better to take a break than to force yourself and burn out completely. Hope you feel better soon!


Personally, I was more concerned about the sudden radio silence and what could have caused it. Game development shouldn't come at the expense of your happiness and mental health, so take the time you need to work back into the right mindset. Happy to hear from you again at the very least! You've done excellent work thus far in my eyes, and animation isn't an easy thing to do well. It takes time, skill, and an eye for detail to pull off animation nicely, and you've been demonstrating you capabilities well.


I wish you the best. I struggle with mental health as well and I understand how hard it is to stay motivated. I'm not very good at encouragement but I genuinely like your work and I hope things go well for you.


This year's been so rough for everyone, no need to stress out about how much you've been stressin', I understand how you're feelin' and you 100% have my sympathy on it, take all the time you need to get back in your favorite headspace c:


i love youre work i really do... i do also really hope you can continute to make it... but i belive that in order to make a masterpiece... breaks are nessacary to stay in a good mental state... so by all means do try to pace youreself and take your time to make the best work you can... without over stressing youself, and your art will be great