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Hey homies,

I know I have been pretty quiet on here lately been doing some soul searching, and making plans on what I want to do with my career life ya know the deep shit ya know what I do until my lotto winning come in XD.

I have been talking for awhile about changing things moving more towards sfw, and I know u guys love my smut art, but my heart isn't in as much anymore. 

I am still working on some sexy stuff, but I am also starting more sfw, and eventually when I am done my queue of owed art and some of the dusty hot art I will be starting my awaking the stars project.

Teasing about what I will do to help people when I win the lotto got me thinking what could I do now/soon and my answer came to me I can draw simple art like the moth I shared on discord and make merch use the funds for that to donate to a charity.

I know it might sound dumb I might fail but its where my heart wants to go.

this might mean less smut and maybe eventually closing this page, unless you are all ok with less commissions and nsfw art, but I gotta do what's best for me even if it means failing that's how ya learn right. If I do close this page I will still be drawing smut I will just post it when its available via my gumroad, but we aren't there yet I still have lots I am working on that is sexy lol.

I just wanted you all know this way in advance since I owe you all more then you will ever know. Truly you have support me through some of my darkest days and I hope I have helped you guys and brought you guys as much joy as you guys do for me daily <3


Home | awakening the stars



I am going to miss the smut and I am sad you're heart's not in it anymore, but I am hopeful for whatever your future plans are. Do the things you love, that's what freelance is all about. ❤️


Do what is right for you! I think your SFW pieces are absolutely beautiful and I would love to commission one at some point in the future. You'll have plenty of support, irrespective of the type of art you want to concentrate on! 💜