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  • rivet-shower-loop-lowres-1080p.mp4
  • rivet-shower-square.mp4
  • rivet-shower-loop-hires-2k.mp4



Welcome to 2024! Let's start off with a nice little loop featuring original art by AppleSpiceX. The art was inspired by my game, Interdimensional Engineer, and I just had to take it a step further.

JackieSpyce is actually on voice acting hiatus for mental health reasons, but she had let me know previously it was okay to use some of her takes from the game in a future animation.

I've got a few versions of it, the square one has some camera movement while the other two are the full picture, one at ~2k resolution and the other at 1080p if your device doesn't want to play something back that high res.

I really hope you enjoy!




Hells yeah, more Rivet is always more amazing!!


as someone who just commissioned applespice ironically for a rivet piece. this is fantastic! all involved did amazing work♡


hate all play where big cumshot :(

Servant lorence

Woooow, me gusta, seria un pecado no agregar esto a tu juego XD Woooow, I like it, it would be a sin not to add this to your game XD

Cody Covert

Please send best wishes to Jackie, issues like that are horrible