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Hey everyone, thought this would be the best way to get the message out:

I have been doing a lot of testing with the lovense API, and I discovered a bug that the lovense developers were unaware about.

I have made all my patterns with the 'pump' action being used, because I have the max 2 to test with. What I discovered is that when the pump action is not available, the vibration patterns go much much faster. I've reported this to them, and they are releasing a patch on Wednesday.

When the patch is released, this will probably make all the patterns I just released for coco run too fast for all toys.

It's super important to me that the patterns match the movement, otherwise there's no point to it! So I'd suggest don't update on Wednesday if you have a max 2, not until I can make a patch for Bandicoot Buddy.

Once the patch is available to me, I'll redo all the patterns and release a patch ASAP!
