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  • Gard-1080p.mp4
  • Gard-1080p-NoEffect.mp4



Hi there, I hope your day is going well!

I'm still fighting off sickness over here, but happy to share with you today an early screening of the G@rdevoir animation. (Thinking about a better name for this animation before tomorrow too ... )

I will be working on a vertical version of the animation for phones that will be released with the main post tomorrow. But for now, you get a look before everyone else.
Critical feedback and comments are very welcome.

Gard-1080p.mp4 - The main final file

Gard-1080p-NoEffect.mp4 - No postprocessing effect added

Still not sure what version of the two looks better. Please do not share this video with anyone :)

Thank you and I hope you enjoy it!




In theory, a human actually could get a gardevoir pregnant. The two are supposedly compatible. Not that pokemon would tell anyone directly, but it's kind of suggestion in some lore. Some pokemon, but not all.