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Hey guys! Got a minor surgery tomorrow (just finally getting my troublesome tonsils out, no worries), but it sounds like it'll be 2-3 weeks recovery time. I've got some pieces i'll be able to post as soon as I'm able (might try scheduling 'em today), but also i'll do my best to actually get the recommended rest and recovery lol

Thanks for the patience and support, i'll be back to work soon as i'm feelin' better!



A hiatus is no problem at all. Here's to a successful and complication-free procedure, and make sure to get as much rest and hydration as they recommend (and might as well use it as an excuse to relax some too).

Dreamous Iceling

Hope everything goes perfectly, and wishing you a quick recovery~


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Hope it goes smoothly and your face is feeling better in no time!


Wish you luck and an easy recovery!


Hope everything goes smoothly and you have a quick recovery. <3


Take care Brae!


Good luck! Take care of yourself.


Good luck on the surgery!! I got this one when I was 10. Don't believe the lies, ice cream feels awful to eat with a freshly detonsiled throat. The little ice crystals scrape. I recommend pudding! 🤗


Those poor tonsils have taken quite the beating over the years


I wish you the best of luck for your surgery Brae !!


take care and hope for a easy recovery!


Take care and rest up well Brae ❤️❤️❤️


Best of luck I hope it it’s a speedy recovery

Timid Tanuki

I'm a bit confused, what is the timeline for this story? I saw the first chapter, then Chapter 2 at the gym, there was an extended chapter 2, but I though it was kind of non cannon as the protagonist ran into a different character than the one at the end of Chapter 2.


Well wishes and a fast recovery!

Joseph Goldthorp

Ugh, Tonsils are so problematic. Glad they’re finally being canceled! (I’m joking around, have a good surgery!❤️❤️)

Timid Tanuki

Sorry, my husband and I share accounts and I think he commented on the wrong Patreon!


I had my tonsils removed at 21. Jello and water were my best friends. Take the medication they give you. It will help a lot, but make you tired whoch is fine because you will be aching the first few days and swallowing huets. The first week is rough, no lie.