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Its been a busy month for me! I started the month off recovering from a pretty bad neck strain, while also helping two roommates move out of our place and into a new one nearby. After that we painted 3 rooms of the apartment, built a ton of furniture, and moved a new roommate in. Exhausting, but extremely rewarding. But! it's definitely time to get back to art! 

I'll hopefully be able to make up for this slow month by making October jam-packed. I think i'll try and get 2 comic pages out next month, somehow! But since i'll probably have to simplify the rendering style a bit in order to get two done, I'm trying to decide if I should post them as one charged post or two? I know this patreon is set up as "paying per comic page" but I know a lotta people probably expect that to stay as one a month? I dunno! Lemme know how you guys feel about sometimes getting 2 pages (i.e. two charged posts) a month!

And as always, lemme know if you have any questions/comments/concerns/comic ideas/etc!




I'd be down for two pages every so often! Maybe give like a mid-month heads-up so people can budget accordingly.


Thanks for the heads up, but I don't see that you should be paid at half the rate per comic just because you're posting twice in one month instead of once, and patrons can set a monthly limit if they wish anyway. If you're that religious about posting or getting paid for exactly one comic page per month, maybe per month pricing would be better? I wouldn't necessarily assume that people wouldn't want to support you if you're taking a month off. Personally, I'm mostly throwing cash at you in consideration of your older pony stuff, and I don't even really have time to check your newer stuff, so it doesn't really matter to me how many pages you're producing in any given month if it averages to around one per month anyway. I think you should probably consider switching to per month pricing, I think per creation pricing is a bit legacy...