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"I know you're embarrassed, but, dude... you can't be this hard in public. You've got condoms right? Listen, theres this perfect spot in the back of the park. You can be in and out, no mess. No one's gonna know!"

Super overdue commission for @calemdotter! Gavin's a shy dog, and didn't think he'd get pent up enough to accept his roommate Nell's enthusiastic offer to drain those big ol' nuts in public. He's desperate though...but they've got condoms, so at least the mess won't give them away, right?

Also, bonus no-mess version!

(as a reminder, this image is exclusive for patrons, until i release it publicly which will be in a week or so!)




love to see you putting stuff like this out again HUFF


Everything about this is just excellent


Holy shit this is fantastic! Really outdid yourself with this one

Bloudin Ruo

Wow just... Perfection! Absolutely amazing!


Oh my gosh, this came out soooooooooo good!


Se vería muy raro en la ciudad o solo soy yo


This is so fuckin hot, awesome job!!

Ghost Mexican Wolf

That’s a mess if I’ve ever seen one <3


Fantastic and broken condom? Amazing <3