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I really gotta work on getting these schedules out earlier than the 5th, oops.

The winning idea for Fluff #3 was the one featuring a top who's livestreaming his time at the gloryhole, so I'll be posting a form to apply for that cameo slot to eligible patrons on the 9th. I hope to dedicate some time this month to work on an overdue illustration as well as some assets for a "609" book, like the cover/character pages/etc! And of course, a request stream. I think I might mess around with having an "only characters that i have not drawn before" rule for this request stream and see what comes out of it!

Hope y'all are staying safe! And as always, if you guys have any questions, concerns, recommendations, pitches for "Fluff" pages etc, leave 'em below!




What if the hole gets a visit from a "celebrity" (like a popular r34 furry character, Lucario for example)


Oh no, the Request Stream is on payday for me and my bf @.@


Can't wait to get the items i ordered :D been dieing to get them. Love you man keep up the awesome work brae.


K own of any other patreaons with similar content to brae?