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Well now! These next couple months are definitely looking a bit different now!

With BLFC and FWA no longer happening this summer, i suppose I'll just stick to my usual plan of comic work and streams. The "BACKLOG" days are to catch up on a couple things I've fallen behind on; finishing up the Fluff #2 page, an overdue illustration commission, 609 book design, and another project or two. Should be able to do two commission streams this month!

For upcoming "Fluff" comic pages, i'm gonna start posting polls on Patreon so you guys can decide whats gonna happen in them! And depending on the scenario that's voted, there may or may not be cameo opportunities. All depends on what type of pages you guys vote on wanting to see, aha. I've got tons of slice of life shenanigans drawn up, i'm excited to see what people want!

I hope everyone's staying safe out there, if you can! I'm gonna do everything I can to keep regularly making content for y'all, so even in uncertain times you can be certain i'm gonna keep making my weird porn. Love y'all!



Angry Polar Bear

Are you going to open your store back up?


I plan to super soon, yeah! I totally forgot I had planned to reopen on the 3rd, but should be able to open it again in the next couple days


The special free YCH streams were something I did as a special 2-year Patreon Anniversary present! The 3 YCH pics I did for the occasion were drawn and posted last month.