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A lil late again, whoops! But here's January's schedule!

As it says, I should hopefully have a poll up by tonight. Since it's been a while: Poll Illustrations are where my patrons get to vote on which previous sketch piece of mine gets turned into a fully rendered piece!

Since I did a commish stream last month, I'm doing a request stream this month, and since I did a full illustration commish last month, I'll be doing a patreon poll illustration. I'm gonna see if I can't squeeze in a commish pic towards the end of the month though.

There's basically four big things (in addition to comic pages) that I wanna provide nearly every month, but at the very least once every two months (request stream, commission stream, poll illustration, and patreon commission illustration). Which of those do you think are most important to definitely do monthly? Just figuring out what type of content production people like the most!



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