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Short notice, but I'm just about finished with the next page of 609, and I'm realizing I need to figure out who the first customer to use their gloryhole is gonna be. So I figured I'd try and make it a patreon cameo!

I was planning on having it just be a generic canine, but if someone's got a fitting character, there's no reason it can't be one of y'alls! There's just a couple things they've gotta match, so that they fit into the story:

- Gotta be a canine (retriever, husky, pitbull, doberman, etc etc) with relatively natural coloring and a knotted reddish dick

- They'll be a top, obviously

- They'll probably be depicted as semi-anthro (sorta zootopia style)

I don't think they'll get their face drawn, but probably have a good amount of panels with their dick in Olli. Nice!

If you've got a character that would fit this: Send me a Patreon private message with some references! I'll message back the person with the character that seems like the best fit. Thanks everyone!


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