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So, a couple things!

  • I was away at TFF when it happened, but we absolutely BLASTED past my third goal, which was for a full rendered illustration a month alongside the two comic pages! I have no idea what else to offer at this point, or what my future goals should even be set at, but I'm sure I'll figure something out! Seriously though, thank you all so much!

    I think for this month, just cause it's so busy, I'll simply put up a patreon poll and let people vote on which sketch stream request they'd like to see fully rendered, so keep an eye out for that! In future months I'll likely do polls for totally original illustrations not based on sketches i've already done, but for this first one I think I'll make it easy on myself.

  • I did a lil bit of tweaking to the reward tiers! I made it so that there's two versions of the Clydesdale and Great Big Horse Friend tiers; a normal version, and a "Plus" version that includes the reward of physical goodies. I had to set a limit on how many goodies I can send out, so I set a limit on how many patrons could be in those tiers, and once I hit it, I made goodie-less versions of those tiers and added "Plus" onto the old tiers. Hopefully that's not too confusing, but basically, all you earliest patrons still have your goodies reward, and all the new patrons have the same tiers as there have always been, just minus the early-adopter goodies bonus. If you've got questions feel free to ask! That should be the last big rewards change for a while!

  • I also added a bonus reward to the tiers, which is votes! Higher tiers will get extra votes in patron polls! Still don't know exactly how that'll be implemented, but hey, neat!

  • If you haven't gotten in yet, there's a patreon Discord for everyone $3 and up! If you somehow haven't gotten in or gotten a link, send me a message!

Okay, that's all for now! I'll likely be doing a bunch of public streams in the next couple days as I get started working on the comic, so get stoked for those!


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