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No time limit on taking suggestions this time so feel free to send me ideas at your leisure! 

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I look forward to reading your suggestions! :)




I am gonna recycle an old suggestion an submit Pepper & Molly as Nagasden style multiboob sluggirls please & thank you


Not entirely sure what you mean by 'Nagasden' style? A quick google says its an artist but I'm not familiar with their work.


I definitely want to see some popping. Unbirthing.


I think for an idea I'd love to see something with any character of a werewolf sort of thing minus the wolf part or something like a curse that only triggeres at certain date or time or something like only on a full moon that causes the character to start expanding and would be interesting to see the character like get stuck at place where they almost didn't make it back to their safe place in time or forgot about the date and they were out in public when it starts to happen to them.


A continuation of this post/idea would be cool to see https://twitter.com/patch_yeah/status/1392681296938209292