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Hey guys, in regards to future idea/suggestions threads. Would more of you be inclined to submit ideas if submissions were anonymous?

The last few submission threads didn't really get many responses so I'm wondering if some people are just hesitant to share their ideas as public comments.

If so, Patreon doesn't have any anonymous suggestion box feature as far as I'm aware but I'll figure something out!



I think part of it might just be some people's reticence to just engage in general rather than anything else. Having a mix of "comment or DM to submit ideas" could possibly increase it all the same though


You may be right. It's completely ok if people just want to lurk and I'm starting to think I've probably overestimated how many people want anything more other than to just view and support my work. I should provide the people wanting to engage more the options to do so but I shouldn't try and force it on everyone as much as I've done in the past. Thanks for your comment!