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Sorry for a wall of text of a personal/TMI nature but I feel like I should try and explain my absence and lack of output recently. 

Late last year was rough. A couple of family deaths along with another depressing Christmas/New year alone, I couldn't bring myself to do anything except binge eat out of control. 

I've always been very overweight but i gained so much more so quickly it was scary. I became so fat and bloated i could barely move, it legitimately felt like gravity had doubled suddenly. I don't know exactly how much I weighed (230kg at least) but I knew it felt abysmal.

I started a keto diet almost 2 weeks ago and the change has been incredible so far. I know it's mainly sudden water weight loss but gravity feels normal again already! Every day i can almost feel my body deflating as I become lighter and regain more mobility.

The complete change in diet has been tough and I can feel my body trying to resist with insane cravings and sugar withdrawal but I'm determined not to give in. Not until I can at least tie my shoes again and go outside in public without feeling utterly ashamed of myself.

My days have been pretty much occupied with adjusting to keto, finding recipes that work for me, planning meals and actually cooking instead of just blasting some frozen beige crap in an oven or ordering takeaways. Ive also been working with a therapist who's really been helping.

I'm trying to undo a lifetime of self harm and addiction so please be patient with me. I'm sure the good habits will start forming soon enough and I'll be able to bring my focus and energy back to drawing weird horny nonsense for you all very soon!

In the mean time I'll try and rustle up some of my 'old sketches of questionable nature!'



take as much time as you'll need, we'll still be here waiting for ya


You will get there eventually but only if you don't give up! Think of why you started in the first place if you ever need the motivation again.