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Hey guys, I've decided that instead of doing these suggestions posts/polls on a strict weekly schedule I'll just kind of wing it and aim to get at least a couple of them done each month.

Things have been coming up IRL and getting in the way plus the last suggestions post only got two idea submissions so I'm thinking maybe I was overestimating things a wee bit.

As I said I'm still going to try and do these at least every 2 weeks but if interest picks up and I can get into a good routine we'll see about doing these weekly again in the future! :)



Why not keep the suggestions from the previous poll that didn't win until they get made?


People are more than welcome to resubmit ideas if they didn't win previously. Maybe I should make that more clear? Honestly though, I'm just trying to generate a bit more interaction and engagement and get people commenting a bit more. :)