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From now on every Friday will be Pin-up day! 

Each week there will be a new suggestions thread for the upper tier members to submit their ideas for a pin-up illustration.  

After a week these suggestions will then be entered into a poll for everyone to vote on.  

The resulting winner will then be posted the following Friday! 

I'm hoping that by doing this I'll have the opportunity to practice drawing many different characters in different situations and on a rolling weekly schedule it will be a bit easier for me to keep on top of things! 

Edit - Wanted to clarify that I won't accept 'aged-up' suggestions of underage characters either. Also, I'm opening up suggestions to all tiers in hopes I get a few more submissions.



Tsunade from Naruto, fat or blueberry ^_^

Bigby Lies

If you ever felt like doin a male character, a followup to that Zelda piece with Link would be insanely good in your style, all blobbed up or barely mobile, chu-chu antics or not. That or maybe something with D.VA from Overwatch, being a huge bloated berry gamer girl.