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Hey guys, I'm trying gauge the amount of interest people would have in seeing my comics animated and dubbed with voice acting and sound effects.

'That Time of the Celestial Rotation' is my first proper finished comic but it was really just a way for me to experiment and explore a style and workflow for future comics.

Including animated panels was something I wanted to try to add a bit of extra value and stand out a bit, but I'm not sure exactly if people really cared for them, especially since they're a bit janky and awkward to read embedded on a full page in looped .gif form.

I think they would work much better as a part of an animated motion comic. This would require commissioning voice actresses, some additional animating, sound and editing etc. I imagine it'd be a fair bit of work and it's something I'm willing to do, I just want to make sure it's something you guys would like to see and think would be worthwhile first.

Also, bearing in mind that working on this would mean less time to work on new comics and stuff for a bit.

Anyway, please vote in the poll and feel free to leave any thoughts in the comments! Thanks!



Would like to see some of your blueberry stuff again, but I enjoy most inflation so it'd be good to see either way


Like, if you did them, great. But really I'm just enjoying the wee adventures of Salt & Pepper tbh. Just don't burn yourself out pal it sounds like you've had a rough year of it


I'd say save it for the climactic scenes, so you can instead focus on new content, fresh ideas and concepts.


This strikes me as something that you think you'd really enjoy doing, which makes it the content that I would like the most right now :)


Glad you're enjoying them so far and thanks, I'll try not to over do it :)


I will admit I do miss doing SFX :3


I enjoyed the longer animations you've made, in particular clones and factory as they're the reason I'm following you in the first place. But the comic is also great for having dialogue and character development. Plus they're both really cute (Pepper more so, but don't tell Molly that). So I think you should work on what you want to, inspiration and motivation will come more easily that way.