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Weird. The chapter didnt post the first time.

Anyways, did you guys expect the ending?


Chapter 282 - 153 Gaw: From Out the Shadow

Rathos grimaces at the chaos unfolding on the ground and in the skies. Elder elementals are showing up en masse. Elder air elementals wreak havoc on the battlefield as tornados. Their twisting forms reave the earth, sundering trees, flingings stones, and scattering corpses in all directions. Then...



Thanks for the chapter! Thats quite a nice turn, so Mule found a "different reality" where Jessica had "ressurection" as a class-skill? Or did she class up right there? That shouldn't be possible for non-heroes though...


She has the collar that gives her the Hero class. The one that killed Mimir.


"peak" should be "peek" Mountains and charts have peaks. (Both have an A.) Eyes take a peek. (They have two E's.)